For the 2018 conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, we are excited to have a co-located event, the “Festival of Learning”, together with the International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) and “Learning at Scale” (L@S). The Festival will take place in London (UK) between June 24 and 30. AIED 2018 will take up recent trends emerging from AI and Neural Science, asking how these advances can impact human learning at various scales and in various contexts. Moreover, we ask how the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Learning Sciences may speak to one another at the confluence, which is the field of Artificial Intelligence in Education.  Thus, the theme of this year’s conference is “Bridging the Behavioral and the Computational: Deep Learning in Humans and Machines”.

AIED 2018 will be 19th edition of a longstanding series of international conferences, formerly bi-annual and now annual, known for high quality research on intelligent systems and cognitive science approaches for educational computing applications.