Friday 29th of July, 10.15am – 12.15pm at Elvin room


Here is the schedule for YRT session.

10.15 Welcome from chairs

10.20 Investigating feedback support to enhance collaboration within groups in computer supported collaborative learning
Adetunji Adeniran

10.28 Supporting Math Problem Solving Coaching for Young Students: A Case for Weak Learning Companion
Lujie Chen

10. 36 Improving self-regulation by regulating mind-wandering through the practice of mindfulness.
David Cheung

10.44 Metacognitive Experience Modeling Using Eye-Tracking
Ching-En Chou

10.52 Exploring the meaning of effective exploratory learner behavior in hands-on, collaborative projects using physical computing kits
Veronica Cucuiat

11.00 Multimodal tutor for CPR
Daniele Di Mitri

11.08 Leveraging Educational Technology to Improve the Quality of Civil Discourse
Nicholas Diana

11.16 Adapting Learning Activities Selection in an Intelligent Tutoring System to Affect
Chinasa Odo

11.24 Investigation of Temporal Dynamics in MOOC Learning Trajectories; a Geocultural Perspective
Saman Zehra Rizvi

11.32 Sequence based course recommender for personalized curriculum planning
Chris Wong

11.40 Towards Improving Introductory Computer Programming with an ITS for Conceptual Learning
Franceska Xhakaj

11.48 DISCUSSION SESSIONS I and II around posters

12.15 End


Each of the YRT student has been assigned one personal mentor, who is a senior member of the AIED community that is attending the conference. So, in addition to the feedback received during the YRT session, face to face interactions can also take place outside the YRT event. The mentors assigned to each student are listed below (in the same order as the students they are mentoring):

Art Graesser

Manolis Mavrikis

Bob Sottilare

Vania Dimitrova

Ben du Boulay

Sandra Katz

Neil Heffernan

Niels Pinkwart

Beverly Woolf

Vincent Aleven

Nguyen-Thinh Le

Thank you very much for your time and contribution to keep growing the AIED community.

In addition, all AIED researchers are very welcome to attend the YRT event and provide comments and feedback to the students during the session. We have also setup a  Google form that will be available till Sunday July 1 to provide offline feedback to YRT participants. We will collect all the feedback received and sent it individually to each student.

(short URL:

What if I have other questions?

If you have any further question, please, contact the YRT chairs:

Kalina Yacef, The University of Sydney, Australia

Olga C. Santos, UNED, Spain