Tutorial and Workshop chairs

Nguyen-Thinh Le, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany

Sridhar Iyer, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India

AIED 2018 invites tutorials and workshops on recent trends emerging from AI and cognitive science approaches for educational computing applications. The theme of this year’s conference is “Bridging the Behavioral and the Computational: Deep Learning in Humans and Machines”.

Tutorials may be on the use of tools, techniques and topics of broad interest to the AIED community. Tutorials are expected to be hands-on and participative. They may be for half-day or full-day.

Workshops may be on topics of special interest or emerging themes. Workshops are expected to be interactive for the audience, not just mini-conference style paper presentations. Workshop proposers are encouraged to consider discussion oriented formats, such as a poster session, or a panel discussion, or a debate with each paper presenting a different aspect of the issue.

Proposals will undergo peer review for relevance to the AIED community and potential for audience participation. Accepted proposals will be published in the conference proceedings.

Submission Instructions

Please use the conference submission site and select the Tutorials and Workshop track: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=aied2018

The Tutorial/Workshop proposal should be 2-4 pages, and include:

  1. Abstract: A 300 words abstract providing a brief description of the workshop/ tutorial goals.
  2. Introduction: This should provide a context for the workshop/ tutorial, and its relevance to AIED.
  3. Target audience: The category of attendees that the workshop/tutorial aims to attract, including pre-requisites (if any).
  4. Organization plan: A description of how the workshop or tutorial will be organized, including expected duration and format.
  5. Expected outcomes: What is the expected take-away for the audience? What is the expected contribution of the workshop/ tutorial to the AIED community?
  6. References

The following information is required for evaluating the proposal, but will not be part of the proceedings:

  • Short biographies of the workshop/tutorial organizers
  • PC Members (tentative)
  • Any other information

NOTE: Workshop/Tutorial proceedings should be published by proposers on http://ceur-ws.org/

Important Dates

  • Deadline: Jan 13, 2018, 11:59pm PST, Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=aied2018
  • Acceptance notification: Jan 20, 2018.
  • A website for each accepted workshop/tutorial to be linked on the AIED website: Feb 1, 2018.
  • A 3 page abstract for each accepted workshop/tutorial: April 7 (submitted via Easychair)
