Young researchers’ track chairs

Kalina Yacef, The University of Sydney, Australia

Olga C. Santos, UNED, Spain

The Young Researchers’ Track (YRT) at the AIED 2018 conference provides opportunities for cross-fertilization of knowledge and ideas from students in the many fields that make up this interdisciplinary research area. The YRT will serve as a forum for these students to present their work, exchange experiences with peers, discuss ideas for future research, and receive feedback from established AIED researchers and the wider AIED community. We invite students who feel they would benefit from this kind of feedback on their dissertation work by sharing their research with peer students and with senior researchers in the field.

The YRT track welcomes papers that report on work-in-progress from students at any stage in their careers, with special interest on those carrying out their Doctoral Thesis. The strongest candidates will be those who are at a stage where feedback from the AIED community might be of value, and thus, have a clear topic and research approach, and have made some progress, but who are not so far along that they can no longer benefit from feedback received during the conference. The papers must be primarily authored by the students but can have advisors and collaborators listed as co-authors. The topics of interest are related to the main conference topics.

Accepted YRT authors will be invited to participate in roundtable sessions during the conference where they will present their work and receive feedback from senior researchers and other YRT participants. In addition, previous to the YRT session, each student with an accepted paper in the YRT will be assigned a mentor with specialized background on the student’s research topic, so a more detailed and specific feedback can be provided to each student.

There will be a specific YRT lunch where YRT participants and senior researchers will have the opportunity to network and socialize.

Form and Content

The submission to the YRT has two parts: 1) the paper (to be published in the conference proceedings), and 2) a presentation letter with additional information about the student and the research carried out.

The papers should describe (using the format explained below), in a logical and coherent manner, the aims and objectives of the proposed research, by clearly illustrating:

  1. The problem(s) addressed and the fit with the state of the art, including any previous work the student has done.
  2. The proposed solution(s) and the methodology adopted to achieve it, as well as the progress made to date.
  3. The expected contribution(s) and impact of the research to the AIED community.

The presentation letter (no more than 2 pages) should include the following:

  1. Title of the paper, Name of the student and Name of supervisor(s).
  2. Title, University and Short description of the study where the research is carried out
  3. A paragraph describing the stage of their studies, together with a brief description of their background.
  4. The type of feedback sought from the YRT.
  5. List of other contributions submitted to the AIED 2018 conference, including the list order of authors, and status of the submission.
  6. Any other information that can be of interest to understand the motivation of the research carried out

Submission Instructions

Papers should be 4 pages long, including references.

Please submit all papers at 

Submissions should be in Springer format. See for more details.

Important Dates

  • YRT papers due: Feb 26, 2018, 11:59pm PST
  • Acceptance notification: Mar 13, 2018
  • Camera-ready copy: Mar 25, 2018, 11:59pm PST
  • YRT day:  June 29th, 2018