PC members and reviewers of full papers and posters

PC member Affiliation
Lalitha Agnihotri McGraw Hill Education
Esma Aimeur University of Montreal
Patricia Albacete University of Pittsburgh
Vincent Aleven Carnegie Mellon University
Sagaya Amalathas UNITAR International University
Ivon Arroyo Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Roger Azevedo North Carolina State University
Nilufar Baghaei UNITEC
Ryan Baker University of Pennsylvania
Nigel Beacham University of Aberdeen
Gautam Biswas Vanderbilt University
Ig Ibert Bittencourt Federal University of Alagoas
Nigel Bosch University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Jesus G. Boticario Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia
Jacqueline Bourdeau TELUQ
Kristy Elizabeth Boyer University of Florida
Bert Bredeweg University of Amsterdam
Paul Brna University of Leeds
Christopher Brooks University of Michigan
Tak-Wai Chan National Central University
Mohamed Amine Chatti University of Duisburg-Essen
Weiqin Chen University of Bergen
Wenli Chen National Institute of Education Singapore
Min Chi North Carolina State University
Sherice Clarke University of California San Diego
Andrew Clayphan The University of Sydney
Cristina Conati The University of British Columbia
Mark G. Core University of Southern California
Scotty Craig Arizona State University, Polytechnic
Alexandra Cristea The University of Warwick
Mutlu Cukurova UCL Knowledge Lab
Ben Daniel University of Otago
Chandan Dasgupta Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Barbara Di Eugenio University of Illinois at Chicago
Vania Dimitrova University of Leeds
Peter Dolog Aalborg University
Hendrik Drachsler The Open University
Artur Dubrawski Carnegie Mellon University
Kristy Elizabeth Boyer University of Florida
Stephen Fancsali Carnegie Learning, Inc.
Mingyu Feng SRI International
Mark Fenton-O’Creevy The Open University
Carol Forsyth Educational Testing Service
Albrecht Fortenbacher HTW Berlin
Davide Fossati Emory University
Reva Freedman Northern Illinois University
Dragan Gasevic Monash University
Elena Gaudioso Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia
Andrew Gibson University of Technology, Sydney
Ashok Goel Georgia Institute of Technology
Ilya Goldin 2U, Inc.
Art Graesser University of Memphis
Joseph Grafsgaard University of Colorado Boulder
Monique Grandbastien LORIA, Universite de Lorraine
Agneta Gulz Lund University Cognitive Science
Gahgene Gweon Seoul National University
Jason Harley University of Alberta
Andreas Harrer University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund
Peter Hastings DePaul University
Yuki Hayashi Osaka Prefecture University
Tobias Hecking University of Duisburg-Essen
Neil Heffernan Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Tsukasa Hirashima Hiroshima University
H. Ulrich Hoppe University of Duisburg-Essen
Sharon Hsiao Arizona State University
Christoph Igel DFKI Berlin
Paul Salvador Inventado California State University Fullerton
Seiji Isotani University of São Paulo
Sridhar Iyer IIT Bombay
G. Tanner Jackson Educational Testing Service
Pamela Jordan University of Pittsburgh
Sandra Katz University of Pittsburgh
Judy Kay The University of Sydney
Fazel Keshtkar ST John’s University
Simon Knight University of Technology, Sydney
Kenneth Koedinger Carnegie Mellon University
Tomoko Kojiri Kansai University
Siu Cheung Kong The Education University of Hong Kong
Amruth Kumar Ramapo College of New Jersey
Rohit Kumar Spotify
Tanja Käser Stanford University
Jean-Marc Labat Université Paris 6
Sébastien Lallé The University of British Columbia
Nguyen-Thinh Le Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Blair Lehman Educational Testing Service
James Lester North Carolina State University
Chee-Kit Looi NIE Singapore
Rose Luckin The London Knowledge Lab
Vanda Luengo Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Collin Lynch North Carolina State University
Roberto Martinez-Maldonado University of Technology Sydney
Judith Masthoff University of Aberdeen
Noboru Matsuda Texas A&M University
Manolis Mavrikis UCL Knowledge Lab
Gordon McCalla University of Saskatchewan
Bruce McLaren Carnegie Mellon University
Agathe Merceron Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin
Alain Mille Universit de Lyon
Marcelo Milrad Linnaeus University
Ritayan Mitra IIT Bombay
Tanja Mitrovic University of Canterbury
Kazuhisa Miwa Nagoya University
Riichiro Mizoguchi Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Kasia Muldner Carleton University
Kiyoshi Nakabayashi Chiba Institute of Technology
Roger Nkambou Université du Québec À Montréal
Benjamin Nye University of Southern California
Amy Ogan Carnegie Mellon University
Hiroaki Ogata Kyoto University
Andrew Olney University of Memphis
Jennifer Olsen Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Helen Pain The University of Edinburgh
Ana Paiva INESC
Luc Paquette University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Abelardo Pardo University of South Australia
Zachary Pardos University of California Berkely
Philip I. Pavlik Jr. University of Memphis
Mykola Pechenizkiy Eindhoven University of Technology
Radek Pelánek Masaryk University Brno
Niels Pinkwart Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Elvira Popescu University of Craiova
Kaska Porayska-Pomsta UCL Knowledge Lab
Alexandra Poulovassilis Birkbeck College, University of London
Luis P. Prieto Tallinn University
Anna Rafferty Carleton College
Martina Rau University of Wisconsin
Peter Reimann The University of Sydney
Bart Rienties The Open University
Ma. Mercedes T. Rodrigo Ateneo de Manila University
Ido Roll The University of British Columbia
Rod Roscoe Arizona State University
Carolyn Rose Carnegie Mellon University
Jonathan Rowe North Carolina State University
Nikol Rummel Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Vasile Rus The University of Memphis
Demetrios Sampson Curtin University
Olga C. Santos Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia
Jan Schneider Deutsches Institut für Internationale Pädagogische Forschung
Kazuhisa Seta Osaka Prefecture University
Lei Shi University of Liverpool
Sergey Sosnovsky Utrecht University
Robert Sottilare US Army Research Laboratory
Marcus Specht Open University of the Nethderlands
Daniel Spikol Malmö University
John Stamper Carnegie Mellon University
Pierre Tchounikine University of Grenoble
Michael Timms Australian Council for Educational Research
Maomi Ueno The University of Electro-Communications
Carsten Ullrich DFKI Berlin
Wouter van Joolingen Utrecht University
Kurt Vanlehn Arizona State University
Julita Vassileva University of Saskatchewan
Felisa Verdejo Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia
Erin Walker Arizona State University
Amali Weerasinghe The University of Adelaide
Joseph Jay Williams Harvard University
Beverly Park Woolf University of Massachusetts
Marcelo Worsley Northwestern University
Kalina Yacef The University of Sydney
Diego Zapata-Rivera Educational Testing Service
Zdenek Zdrahal The Open University
Claus Zinn University of Konstanz
Gustavo Zurita Universidad de Chile