NSF funding available for students who are US citizens attending AIED 2018
We have NSF travel funding for graduate students who are US citizens attending AIED 2018. We invite any graduate student who is first author on any accepted conference submission to apply. All students will be asked to write a brief 1-page report after the conference relating to how attendance helped them further their research, professional, and educational goals.
Please submit an application by email on or before June 11 to Erin Walker (erin.a.walker@asu.edu) with the subject heading “AIED Graduate Student Funding Application.” The application should consist of:
1. The title and ID number of your accepted submission, as well as the type of submission.
3. A brief letter of recommendation from your supervisor, indicating that you are in good standing in your graduate studies.
4. A document containing answers to the following questions:
a. Name:
b. Institutional affiliation:
c. Year in graduate studies:
d. Citizenship:
Applicants will be notified of funding decisions by June 18.